Day 12

Start: Bly Gap
Finish: Standing Indian Shelter
Miles: 7.7 Total Miles: 86.3

Temperatures were under fifteen degrees this morning. Even though my bag is only rated for thirty degrees I was fairly comfortable, with a set of base layers, and my puffy jacket. And gloves and a wool watch cap. And wool socks.

Bly Gap is located just across the North Carolina border, so the first real Carolinian mile of hiking was this morning, and a steep one it was. Seemed like it was pretty much straight up. Evil portent or light hearted tease? The jury is out.

After that first mile the rest of the day was fairly standard hiking. It warmed up a bit and the sun was out all day which was a nice change of pace. I’m continuing to try and keep my miles low so my knees and various other parts of my anatomy can adapt. It seems to be helping, slowly.

Tonight, I’m camping at the shelter, but not sleeping in the shelter itself. They’re forecasting temps in the thirties overnight which will be somewhat warmer than last night. They’re also forecasting 109% chance of rain before dawn. Because. That means I’ll be packing up a wet tent, but at least I don’t have to put up with the snorers in the shelter. And they don’t have to put up with my snoring, so everyone involved will be happier, I’m sure.

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